© Spitfire4466 & MrBrutal
•Tank carts allow you to store any liquid inside of it.
•You may only store one specific liquid at a time.
•Capacitiy will vary depending on the model.
•Can be loaded with Railcraft loader, unloaders
•Each bucket worth (1000mb) of liquid stored inside a cart will increase its mass by 1 [kg] (For information: 1000 [kg] = 1 [Ton])
Tank car GUI, liquid textures are animated!
Loading and Unloading Liquid
•To load liquid inside the cart, you may place a bucket inside the GUI, at which point it will add the liquid inside the cart (if the liquid in the bucket matches the one in the cart) and deposit the empty bucket aside.
•You may also use Railcraft's Liquid Loaders to load the liquid, however you must place the loader directly above the tracks, so be warned, the carts will looked glitched up (note: this can be avoided as of Railcraft 5.3.0, where you can place the loader two blocks above the track).
The available tank carts by various modelers (DAYdiecast, blockstormtwo, helldiver, ChandlerBingUA)
The lava tank cart can only hold lava! Lava is visible if loaded :)
Tank carts